What are other people saying about God's work through Larry?

Malcolm Ellis
Pastor & Evangelist
It is my joy to recommend to you my friend and brother in Christ Larry Jordan. I know of no one in whom I have more confidence as a believer and as a preacher of the Word of God than Bro. Larry. He and his dear wife have been such a blessing to my family and me through the years that I literally struggle for words to express how precious they are to us in the Lord. I heartily commend Bro. Larry to your consideration as a revivalist, evangelist and conference speaker.

The Late
Dr. Bill Stafford
In a personal letter to Larry: So many precious memories flood my heart that are a result of the many years I have had the joy of preaching meetings or ministering with you in other conferences. Praise GOD for your love for Jesus and His Word.

The Late
Jon Randles
International Evangelist
In a personal note to Larry: I had a great week and I pray that it was good for you folks and the community. The highlight was spending time with you. God has gifted you Larry. You are a man of God and a great friend...I believe in you!
Larry Wymore
Pastor, New Vision Family Fellowship
West, TX
I have had the privilege of sitting under the preaching of many great ministers and evangelists over the years, and I can honestly say that no one has been any more effective than Larry Jordan. There is a definite need for revival among our churches and the Lord used Larry Jordan greatly to help move us forward in that direction. Brother Larry is a pastor's pastor having pastored himself for 40 plus years. His passion for the Lord, and his compassion for the children of God and the church was evident to all. I look forward to the opportunity when Brother Jordan and I can minister together again. As a pastor I am grateful that I can call on a man of God like Larry Jordan that has given time to study, to pray, and hear what God would say to the people that He sends him to minister to. I encourage you to call on Larry Jordan, you will not be disappointed. I thank our Lord that he has gifted the church with an Evangelist of his caliber.
Gary Dempsey
Director of Missions, Johnson-Marshall Baptist Association
Madill, OK
Thank You So Much for the fantastic messages that you've brought during our Times of Refreshing meeting here in Johnston Marshall Baptist Association. God has spoken powerfully through you this week. Your sermons have been so clear and the illustrations so memorable. You have been a wonderful blessing to me and everyone else this week. I pray that God will reward you richly for your faithful service.

Dr. Jack Robbins
Former Director, LOVEM Ministries, Inc
Retired Pastor
I've known and loved and watched up close this man of God since 1976. Gandhi said, "I would have become a Christian if I could have met one." Unfortunately, he died before he met Brother Larry. With God's help, Larry and I founded and served as pastors of the Open Door Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC from 1981-1994 and have been Co-Directors of LOVEM Ministries, Inc. from 1980-2009. Larry has pastored a number of significant churches and been an extremely popular preacher in conferences and seminars. His schedule is open to be your guest. He will not disappoint you, your people, or the Lord.

Dr. Billy Foote
In a personal letter to Larry: Through the years I have observed that your walk has always matched your talk. You are genuine. You are for real.....and God gets all the glory! Your love for people and your concern for reaching people for Christ is immediately evident to anyone who knows you. It's just who you are and Christ is lifted up through you.

Dr. Jimmy Robertson
Founder, Milldale Conference Center, Zachary, LA
I want to say "Praise God" for Bro. Larry and Donna Jordan. His character has been impeccable. He is one of the most God fearing, anointed men of our times. I have never heard Bro. Larry preach without my heart being stirred and my life changed.
Kent Pate
Executive Director, Rehoboth Baptist Association
Sulphur Springs, TX
I have heard Larry preach on numerous occasions and I have always been blessed by his messages and challenged spiritually by their clarity, authority, and content. Larry preaches strong, biblically-centered messages with anointing from the Holy Spirit. He is an excellent preacher and communicator of God's Word.
Harold Nash
Pastor, Morning Chapel Missionary Baptist Church
Sulphur Springs, TX
When I think of character examples that I have witnessed in the crossroads of my life, one standout is Larry Jordan. He has the God-given ability to make individuals feel special as he demonstrates the Love of God and his desire for unity among all believers in Christ Jesus.