A Brief Bio of Larry Jordan
Larry grew up in Sulphur Springs, TX. His high school days were consumed with running track, which he did all over the country, representing Sulphur Springs High School, and eventually, Dallas Baptist University. While at DBU, he met the love of his life, Donna, and they were soon married. Nine years later, they received their only child, Melody, who now is married and has four kids of her own.
Larry has been instrumental in beginning many ministries, the latest being New Beginnings Fellowship Baptist Church in Sulphur Springs, TX. In the thirteen years of his pastorate there, the church grew tremendously, expanding its ministry not only in Sulphur Springs but in Mexico and the Philippines as well, through planting mission churches in those countries.
Larry's ministry is encouraging the church to live life in a passionate pursuit of Jesus Christ. His preaching is bold and powerful and will challenge your congregation. He is available for retreats, pulpit supply, revival meetings, Bible conferences and family life events. Please contact Larry if you have any questions.
Larry's Ministry Experience:
Pastor, Macon Baptist Church, Macon, TX 1972-1975
Pastor Weaver Baptist Church, Weaver, TX 1975-1978
Pastor, Williams Memorial Baptist Church, Tyler, TX 1978
Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Sulphur Springs, TX 1978-1983
Pastor, Gateway Baptist Church, Roswell, NM 1983-1986
Evangelist, Missionary, Preacher, Teacher, Co-Director, LOVEM Ministries,
Co-Pastor, Open Door Baptist Church, Raleigh, NC 1987-1994
Board of Directors, LOVEM Ministries, Inc., Burleson, TX 1994-Present
Founder & Pastor, New Beginnings Fellowship Baptist Church, Sulphur Springs, TX 1996-2009
Retired from Pastorate August 30, 2009
Evangelism and Revival Ministry 2009-Present